@article{oai:sakuranoseibo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000110, author = {土屋, 久美 and ツチヤ, クミ and 渡部, 誠 and ワタナベ, マコト and 池田, 洋子 and イケダ, ヨウコ and Tsuchiya, Kumi and Watanabe, Makoto and Ikeda, Yoko}, issue = {43}, journal = {桜の聖母短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Sakura no Seibo Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Our Dietetics Department and the Japan Finance Corporation are working together to promote improved health through the“Agriculture and Food” project, which is officially named Fukushima “Agriculture and Food” project. Through this community health network, we hope to improve cooking techniques and menus. For the students being trained as dieticians we will deepen their understanding of dietary education by promoting activities in the field of food education through which they will acquire knowledge of local issues. In addition, through improved cooking techniques and menus we will promote ways and means of acquiring better health among adults.}, pages = {141--153}, title = {ふくしま「農と食」の活性化プロジェクト : 調理技術及び献立作成能力の向上を目指して}, year = {2019} }