@article{oai:sakuranoseibo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000136, author = {狩野, 奈緒子 and カノウ, ナオコ and 坂本, 真一 and サカモト, シンイチ and Kanou, Naoko and Sakamoto, Shinichi}, issue = {38}, journal = {桜の聖母短期大学紀要, Bulletin of Sakura no Seibo Junior College}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, Reading of practical training journals within group work that occurred after a teachers’ conference led to a deeper understanding of students who couldn’t express themselves on record. Under the supervision of the conference faculty in the interim report, the information of the progress of the conference was used to check and plan the presentation of the practice results. Also, during the poster session of the presentation of the practice results, a discussion of the differing points of view in the second-year students’ conference was developed, and the themes generated by this discussion reveal the essence of the nursery school. The practical training journals used for the poster sessions and conferences helped the students cultivate a better understanding, and we believe that it was an effective and valuable experience for them to learn how to understand different points of view.}, pages = {1--14}, title = {エピソード記録を活用したグループワーク : 実習事後指導の中での対話の重なり}, year = {2014} }