@article{oai:sakuranoseibo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000217, author = {狩野, 奈緒子 and カノウ, ナオコ and Kanou, Naoko}, issue = {47}, journal = {桜の聖母短期大学紀要, BULLETIN OF SAKURA NO SEIBO JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, In this paper, Ⅰwill introduce the “Parent and Child Plaza”, which has continued to develop human resources to participate in the “formation and management of a childcare network” as “childcare supporters” within the characteristics of childcare teacher training aimed at by our junior college. I will report on the functions that have been fulfilled by the “Plaza” during the transition from its establishment until 2022, and I will consider its achievements and challenges. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, and during the global COVID-19 pandemic after March 2020, gathering, playing, and interacting of local parents and children with the students who support the interactions have been contributed to the building of local childcare networks and communities. In the future, it is expected further clarification of the direction of development of human resource required in the region as a childcare training school, through that the “Plaza” consider how to cooperate with the regional childcare network.}, pages = {47--58}, title = {保育者養成校で行う地域子育て支援者育成の再考 : 桜の聖母短期大学「親と子の広場」の機能の変遷を経て}, year = {2023} }