@article{oai:sakuranoseibo.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000218, author = {堺, 秋彦 and サカイ, アキヒコ and Sakai, Akihiko}, issue = {47}, journal = {桜の聖母短期大学紀要, BULLETIN OF SAKURA NO SEIBO JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Mar}, note = {pdf, This paper discusses the results of an investigation into the impact of the 2019 outbreak of novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) on the physical fitness and motor skills of young children because of the changes in their lives. The tests were conducted in five categories of the MKS Infant Motor Skills Test: 25-meter run, tennis ball throw, standing long jump, body support duration, and two-foot continuous jump, using data from 5-year-olds (older children) in 2019, who were tested before COVID-19, and 5-year-olds (older children) in 2022, who entered preschool in the year of the lifestyle change. Mean values ± standard deviations were calculated, and Welch’s t-tests were performed. As a result, we were able to identify some decreases in mean values compared to 2019, depending on the discipline, gender, and age group, but it was not clear in this study whether these decreases due to changes in their lives or not. On the other hand, the results showed a significant increase in the value of the two-foot continuous jump, suggesting that lifestyle changes do not generally affect the physical fitness and athletic performance of young children.}, pages = {59--67}, title = {生活の変化に伴う幼児の運動能力への影響についての一考察 : 新型コロナウイルス感染症による生活の変化に視点を当てて}, year = {2022} }